Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Inkin & Drinking As the World Burns

 The Heroine had a minor change of plans over the weekend which left her ill-prepared because plans and backup plans changed and then further car issues happened. I was rescued not once but twice. 

Our Heroine is used to just being on her own for things like the SCA. Although she is working on visiting people and interacting with more people and letting them in. that is challenging.

We shall begin at the beginning with this story. With the classes and such then go into the drama of feeling unprepared as 4 things changed when the heroine was only double deep prepared to handle 2 failings, not 4 (also thought the Firey Scribe was  my backup because I forgot a sleep shirt)

Classes went well, with the beginning cordial class our Heroine taught. She not only enjoyed teaching it she felt she was able to help folks who had made cordials before learning more about making different types of Could be said that it felt like it went more than well even. This pleased our Heroine to no end. 

There were so many cool classes that the Sakanjabin class. with how to make lemon-lime no sugar added electrolyte syrup was less well attended however our Heroine walked her wagon around handing out Sakanjabin syrup to folks to take home (to not have too much syrup in the fridge again.  

Thursday Our Heroine, had a suspicion that Her friend & roommate, The Side Witch, was not going to be up to a Saturday event, and while at Breakfast Friday morning with the Great Wizzard of Aim stated as much. She seemed a bit turned around in sleep times and this would be hard to overcome. 

Our Heroine felt bad that she would not be joined but also truth be told the Heroine had planned her food and money based on driving up and back the same day and also sharing gas funds. This is not a normal thing for our Heroine who is in the habit of not counting on anyone because, well this happens. The Heroine has spent her whole life needing to hustle and count on herself or plan accordingly. However, there was a second set of plans as backup that involved staying at a friend's house. however despite that choice being still open our Heroine could tell that her dear friend the Firey Scribe was overwrought with health issues which meant she needed the rest or at least not another person in their way. 

Further, our heroine knew she had further challenges the Sat and almost drove Their butt home and begged a ride back because of said issues. 

As such there was just our Heroine trying to figure out going and coming from an event and trying to spend a little time chatting with friends. 

She sat down with her Ex the Bard and apologized because this was not planned and it meant more money spent than anticipated. 

Side note; Our Heroine has decided to work on not being bitter and being kinder to her Ex as it is all or nothing in this separation and our Heroine, does appreciate that He has not fought over the things that mean so much to our Heroine (making sure the adult children have a chance to take over/buy the house.) Since changing tactics and also finding her words to stop our Bard from dismissing our Heroine on issues they have, they have been able to function as strangers living in the same house with common interests of survival till they can move on.

The Bard looked up and booked a hotel for our Heroine close to the event site meaning that she could drive up Friday and wake up there. and so the Heroine planned as much but then planned to stay at the Firery Scribes the next night. or drive home in the dark. and then it happened. 

Friday night while driving about a half hour away from the hotel she noticed that she had no headlights. these are not easy to change. Our heroine takes her car to someone to do them now because they are tricky. well, fudge but she thinks that is ok because she will spend Saturday night at the Firey Scribe's house and drive home Sunday in the daylight.

Second (or 3rd depending on how you count it) unexpected event happened. The Firey Scribe was not well. she was still more than willing to put the Heroine up. however, the heroine almost made her go to the ER so let's just say that the Firey scribe needed rest not the feeling of entertaining company. 

This was when the 2nd resue came in. little background, 

Earlier that Sat during a conversation with The Gennie and Norseman, The Norseman mentioned room for crashing. Our Heroine will confess she didn't think it was aimed at her I thought it was aimed at the Gennie. (now I continue our regular schedule story. 

After helping a sewing machine transfer and fabric between the Firery Scribe and Miss Sandy. then making sure the Firery Scribe attempted to eat something then seeing her off. I had not decided what to do about getting home in the dark and the sun was fading fast. the Norseman asked The Gennie and I plans and I confessed to my lack of them. to wit, I was told to complete my well GPS entry and also to park on the side of the house, and to head out now. 

As such I quickly went in and said good buys, hopped in my truck, and raced to get there because the light ran out (I didn't quite make that goal but didn't get in trouble or blind too many people with high beams either.)

Surprises at the home front. When the Heroine got home Sunday to a new laptop seems The Bard was quite tired of the Heroine's computer not updating. It was an early Birthday gift. Much needed as the computer had lived a good and long life it was from around 2017 (the last eclipse)

It boots up in less than 15 seconds. the old one took enough time to brew a pot of coffee. 

Getting a new computer while the old one is working means that our Heroine can transfer data at leisure not cry over lost data. 

Further Our Heroine might have a new job that requires this new computer. Squee. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

As the World Burns Rampant to NC & Back

 Our Heroine, took to the roads with a trip of joy shared with Mz. Debutante, & the Bard. Our trip as to Ymir 49 the mischief of Loki. the reason for a 12.5 hr. trip to a weekend event you ask well our travelers needed to celebrate the recognition of one Mor the Merry to Pelican. Both Mz Deb and our Heroine had emergency googly eye on hand (meh ha ha ha) at this amazing event there was a feast like no other the Feast Stewart , Lord Chares Fleming , Chef with Maison du Poulet Noir and Sous Chef Fru Idunn Eysteinsdottir. had every recipes history and original and redaction printed and a copy on every table. Also the Chef is said to had hand in sourcing and prepping it all from salting on up making cheese and such. Also there was a Knight who told of days of Pennsic one and such me said it is a knights job to roll up their sleeves and do kitchen clean up after feast. and he announced as much then I did just hat, Sir Olof I believe. 

The family Mor's Boys one grown and getting there. were so fun. it is admiral how they both turned out so helpful. soon as feast was done the younger headed to the kitchen telling his big bro where he was headed so they wouldn't worry. and the Eldest's wife is just as charming as we figured they would be seeing as how Nick has good taste and sense. 

The heroine taught a coin striking class and has no less then 4 new friends who are getting supplies, to start their journey in to making money. 

Spending time getting to know Mz. Deb was time well spent on the travel to and fro. 

the Virgil was nice yet simple much was learned from the wonderful people running it.  Rather then having folks speak during court all persons speaking on behalf of why Mor should be recognized as a pelican, they had a walking court putting her on vigil and walking her to the Vigil location the the speeches then she sat vigil. this meant the time taken up during normal court was less. The Heroine liked that. She also thinks that folks need to write very legibly or have a secretary/hospitallor of the list. this person(s) will announce the next person to go speak to the vigilant. 

Monday, February 5, 2024

As the World Burns SCA & TOA & EDS & POTS WEEEE!

 Flares and sensory perception over load. 

This week Our Heroine put all her energy in getting ready for The Tournament of Arts. The heroine has a strange thing that is her art that is histories of games. because this is such a broad thing She has reduced her scope to 1400's to 1601 basically the Tudor period (if in England) 

The heroine's project was putting her information in a semblance of order. She called on the Magical powers of her roommate the Side Witch. The Side Witch is a reader and writer of words. as such the Heroine hand writes or dictates what she is thinking then reads it out loud to the Side Witch while the Side Witch corrects the words so she knows what they mean. then she types them up and corrects sentence structure because for some reason the Heroine speaks and writes like English is her second language and English speakers get confused by the structure (the College English teach got a kick out of it, because it was not wrong, but did require a full read though before trying to make any notes or corrections)  

The Side witch also put together a bibliography, from the list of books and pages that the Heroine made. 

This has all been up loaded to the Either Blog Land. In the mean time the Heroine also cut up one of her hand outs from 2022 teaching of the class on Game of goose because it listed the 3 most important details for dating the game and the rules. 

On the way yo this Tournament of Arts our Heroine realized she had forgotten her hat. the Heroine take very seriously when dressing in period style keeping correct as much as possible (health and wellness exceptions aside) as such she bought a scarf and some fabric to add body and cut and sewed a hat in about 2 hrs, mostly sitting in a parking lot in the front seat of the Truck-a-sauruse rex, A tilted hat is very much a thing that is part of our Heroine's persona. She is a  ombudsman class (think foreman  level manager, who is in charge but also works beside the staff in a small business) 16c Ale wife in the port district of the City of Swansea Wales. that is were she runs her Tavern it is mostly Ombudsmen class sailors who come in think EXOs or Chief rank. regulars bring games as gifts for the Heroine some were her late husband's friends.  (and that is a little of her persona.) 

Between the drive and sleeping in a bed not designed by her, as well as eating what ever was easiest even with Allergy meds and Naproxen our Heroin's body was attacking her. the battle was hard but spreading googly eyes helps  keep her mind off such things. having a down days Monday helped with coffee and tea the whole day. Hugs were mostly avoided because of pain.by the end of day the Heroine was up to a few. 

She got to sit next to a dear friend from the Pennsic games tent and that made things great & envy his ability to write. and He didn't freak when our heroine had to lay down and eat salty food out of no were (I swear that a good salty breakfast was eaten this POTS episode was uncalled for)

The Event culminated with The Heroine's Apprentice sister Bead Babe Being Elevated to Laurel It is Mamma Tink's first Apprentice to be elevated. We were all thrilled and tiered by end of day There are not enough pills to make the Heroine good at sitting still day. It was great seeing the Whole family minus one.

Now the Bookkeeping has been done for the day and night has come even the grow lights have shut down 

This coming weekend is Pirate fest at PoP's in Sargent IL ARRRR! the heroine gets to see most of her friends who also work at the Ren Fair but they are hanging at the bar together. She and the Great Wizzard of Aim have VIP seating. maybe that post will be done in Pirate wording. lol 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

as the World Burns Attic Antics

 Today our Heroine was over come with fatigue and took a 2 Hr nap at 10 am. After the nap she forced herself to leave the house and pick up a hand made gift for her Apprentice sister. because this would get her out of the house to fulfill as promised, (and despite inertia,) our Heroine goal of getting to the torture room and walk 3 miles.

The Bard came home about 5ish and the 2 of them got to work removing the attic door. and replacing a ladder rung that has been missing since they moved it. As a scavenger the Heroine had the wood for all of these projects already. The Bard allowed the Heroine to do most of the sawing because she can run the circular saw lefty and righty and it is easier then shifting the wood. There was no fighting and this was a 2 person job for sure they finished by 6:38 and they can paint the new wooded door another day. 

After that the Heroine sat down twisting wire (making pins) because it was a high fatigue day. Eating and sitting with twisting wire what the rest of the day. Tomorrow there will be lots of coffee. There is much to do before leaving Friday for the land that is High in the middle and round on the sides. Tomorrow there will be more sawing and printing and paining and packing as well as adding a bibliography to her web site, to keep our Heroine very busy tomorrow. Where does the time go. 

Normal world, I have been having a lot of POTs episodes, this entails high pulse rate and low pulse rates.  Tachycardia and Bradycardia also chest pain that is the sternum hurting because of costochondritid. this is just inflammation in the cartilage this tends to happen with a Ehlors Dahnlos Flare often caused from barometer changes or getting into something I am allergic too. I took Zertec and Naproxen.

I am fine this is normal, I put on my big girl pants and get on with things. it is also why I am trying to not over commit myself. just somedays I wish the fire place worked because I just want to curl up in front of it and reward myself by sleeping there. No rest for the wicked so tomorrow will be very full. I need to work on my story telling skills I seem to have slipped in the break 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

As the World Burns Return of the Heroine 2024

After a long absence our Heroine has returned with renewed energy or at least lots of access to caffeine. 

She is working on sorting and cleaning and eliminating her personal possessions, She is working on organizing her research so outsiders can tell where her facts on historic games came from. She is organizing her financial papers so she van divorce the not the "gallant" Bard. And also she is working on building a clientele for her organizing business. as well as preparing for her Dearest Daughter and her Son in law to move back from the North west. In the broad range of what is happening in her life.

 In the local day to day , We find our Heroine today getting her hair done so she looks nice to take her dearest roommate the SideWitch out for a birthday dinner. The Mighty Wizard of Aim, and the Bard formally known as gallant will be joining for a mini party of friends for this quest as well. 

while getting ready our heroine is also cutting out Veggie ivory dice and carving wooded game pawn pieces for the game of goose and might even get a game board stamped. 

Simultaneously she is printing out historic boar examples of Gluckhaus and historic mention of Dominoes.

over the next few weeks the Heroine shall bring ya"ll up to speed on all the changes and Characters who have passed from our story.

Till then stay tuned for the next episode of As the World Burns..

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"AtWB" avoiding while doing

 Today our Heroine is paying bills and avoiding divorce financial paper work... well not really avoiding.....

Our Heroine has transfer to pot succulents she rooted that came from the city by the bay at her Singing Viking siblings castle. She has to make sure that any apt h

She gets has a juice window to set up the plants in. 

However the goals today are set up house bills, arrange medical bill payments and figure out financial agreements for divorced. SHE HATES the last one the most the medical second most. . However hating the home work doesn't get it done.

There might be a 2nd pot of coffee in the Heroine's day. She is about to start it and the most hated task first, because doing what you dred the most first frees up the emotional burden. (Why didn't she apply that to her marriage years ago)

The Bard came back from the neighboring country of cold, and was in a friendly mood. This led to a dinner conversation to arrange for the Heroine and he listing out the money situation for the divorce. 

Also he asked if there were things he could do in the nursing home search (for his brother) 

The Heroine did point out the whiplash from the extreme attitude shift. 

She did not point out that it is unnerving, and leaves an un easy feeling waiting for it to 180. 

The Heroine in her how to controle the uncontrollable organization style is making a moving divorce list book. Every move every child's birthday party, the Daughters Wedding and every event or class taught has either a book or a section of a book to organize ideas and lists. 

No thoughts or feelings just lists. 

She has a mini one for the hunt for a nursing home even. 

It use to me a thing the Bard though was quirky about the Heroine because she started a birthday party book for the next year birthday party the week after her child's party for the next year.